A life of Community and Purpose for people with disabilities
72% of adults with I/DD in Massachusetts live at home with family caregivers. We need more high quality options for residential care. High Spirit is one solution to this huge challenge.
Snow shoeing on our next door neighbor’s trails
A trip to NYC for ice skating and winter sight seeing.
Life at High Spirit Community Farm
At High Spirit Community Farm, in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts, Adults with IDD live and work together with their caregivers in a warm, supportive environment and are afforded an opportunity to develop a sense of belonging, purpose and accomplishment.
High Spirit Advisory
High Spirit Community Farm is a unique model of care. It shouldn’t be. High Spirit Advisory is committed to helping families to replicate this model and advocating for this model to become a mainstream option for adults with IDD.
33% of adults with disabilities report being lonely. Family caregivers report high levels of anxiety due to the stressors around planning for their loved-ones futures, along with managing the enormous burden of care. We can change this together by developing more communities like High Spirit Community Farm
Upcoming Events
Watch the trailer for our Documentary, Raising Bar.
Filmmaker Billy Parker tells an inspiring story of love, perseverance, and the potential for a small community, like High Spirit Community Farm, to support adults with IDD who want to live with friends.
To see the full length film watch for our Upcoming Events or Contact us if you would like to schedule an event with High Spirit Advisory to show this film and discuss how to replicate this model of care.