Liz Baldwin

Householder and Crew Leader

As Liz tells it, as soon as she saw the posting for the live-in position at High Spirit, she knew in her heart that this was meant to be. When her husband Matt came home that evening, she said to him, “How would you feel about moving to Massachusetts, to live in a community with people with disabilities?” In just a few short months Liz and Matt had moved into Aurora House, along with their cat Reginald. Before moving to High Spirit Liz spent many years working in group homes and day programs for adults with IDD and she has brought a wealth of wisdom with her from that experience. She also had a small soap making business and utilizes those skills by leading a Soap Making crew in our Day Program. She also leads Baking Crews, Farm Produce Processing Crews, and organizes community outings often. Liz enjoys bringing the community together for holidays, celebrations, or more simple weekly movie nights, helping to provide a general sense of cohesiveness and friendship at High Spirit.

I was drawn to High Spirit deeply after our visit due to the sense of community I could feel within the residents and staff alike. I fell in love with the way we live, as a family of sorts, in both the fun and in the stress. I appreciate how everyone is always willing to step in for each other, and it never feels much like a burden, because when it’s your turn to a need a hand, you always know someone has got your back. I love being able to see the people we support in all parts of our life, not just small shifts. I get to experience every aspect of their personality and all the joy, small accomplishments and everything in between. They also to see that in me, and we can build the kind of relationships that foster a deep understanding of each other. It helps us get through the tough times, because we all know each other so well. Additionally, It’s so rewarding to be able to enjoy our farm produce together through healthy, delicious meals.
— Liz

Matt Baldwin